

TCERA currently holds educational seminars via MS Teams only. 

2024 Schedule

There are 4 TCERA seminars:

TCERA 101 (Tiers 1-3 only) - this seminar is geared towards providing basic TCERA Retirement Benefits information to General and Safety Tier 1-3 members. The topics that will be covered are retirement benefits, disability, eligibility, reciprocity, termination, divorce, and death benefits.

TCERA 101 (Tier 4 only) - this seminar is geared towards providing basic TCERA Retirement Benefits information to General and Safety Tier 4 members. The topics that will be covered are retirement benefits, disability, eligibility, reciprocity, termination, divorce, and death benefits.

Pre-Retirement Seminar (Tier 1-3 only) - this seminar is more focused on the preparations and considerations to make when moving closer to retirement and *includes presentations from The Tulare County Employees Retirement Association (TCERA), The Tulare County Employee Benefits Unit, The Tulare County Retirees Association (TCREA), The Tulare County Auditors/Payroll Department, Empower Retirement & The Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP).

Pre-Retirement Seminar (Tier 4 only) - this seminar is more focused on the preparations and considerations to make when moving closer to retirement and *includes presentations from The Tulare County Employees Retirement Association (TCERA), The Tulare County Employee Benefits Unit, The Tulare County Retirees Association (TCREA), The Tulare County Auditors/Payroll Department, Empower Retirement & The Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP).

*All external partnered presentations are subject to availability. 


                   Check our Calendar for upcoming seminars

       Sign up via My TCERA Member's Portal (not enrolled? call 559-713-2900)